Nine of the...Wrongest
GUEST POST AT RANDOM HOUSE BOOKS AUSTRALIA The more conflict in a romance the better, for drama-lovers like me. And some of the best...

Twisting the truth
GUEST POST AT BOOK MUSTER DOWN UNDER I'm kicking off another great Blog Tour for all you die-hard romantics out there. This time around,...

Wrong Guy - Right Book
GUEST POST AT SAM STILL READING Today I’d like to welcome to Sam Still Reading Avril Tremayne, author of the new release Wanting Mr...

Spotlight on Harlequin Junkie
WANTING MR WRONG Please summarize the book for the readers here: Wanting Mr Wrong is a romantic comedy about a guy, who wants a girl, who...

Meet My Book - Wanting Mr Wrong
GUEST POST AT AUSSIE REVIEWS 1. Give us the details – title, publisher, illustrator, release date. Wanting Mr Wrong by Avril Tremayne;...

Valentine's Day - when wrong is right
GUEST POST AT THE CHICKLIT CLUB Bring on those twisted romantic scenarios, Avril Tremayne says. Even on Valentine’s Day! Today is...